Ch. Gleanntan Gee Whillikers
Sire: Talyot Dionysis
Dam: CH. Gleanntan Good Golly
Male August 29, 1997 - September 28, 2007
9 All-Breed Bests in Show
91 Group Firsts
230 Total Group Placements
Multiple Specialty Winning
In October 2005, Michael earned his 9th All-Breed Best in Show as an 8-year old veteran and eclipsed the 35-year old all-time Best in Show record for a male Skye Terrier (this record was broken in 2010.)
#1 Skye Terrier - Group Points - 1999
#1 Skye Terrier - Breed & Group Points - Pedigree Award Winner - 2000
#2 Skye Terrier - Breed & Group Points - 2001
In very limited showing in 2002, Michael finished as the #1 Skye Terrier (Dog News System), #2 Skye - Group Points, and #7 Skye - Breed Points.
#1 Skye - Group Points and #7 Skye - Breed Points - 2005
Winner of the Potomac Skye Terrier Club Specialty - 2000, 2001 and 2002
At 4 years of age
Judge: Dorothy Macdonald
At 7.5 years of age
Judge: George Heitzman
October 1, 2005 - A History-Making Best in Show
On Saturday, October 1, 2005 our eight-year old veteran, CH. Gleanntan Gee Whillikers - "Michael" earned Best in Show under judge Lawrence E. Stanbridge. Earlier in the day, Michael was awarded a Group 1 under judge Glenda Dawkins, thereby advancing him to the Best in Show ring. On this special occasion, Michael was piloted by his owner Michael Pesare.
This was the first owner/handled/non-professionally handled Skye Terrier Best in Show win in over a decade. It was also Michael's 9th Best in Show win, which eclipsed the 35-year record of BIS wins for a male Skye Terrier. The record had been held by Walter F. Goodman's legendary Ch. Glamoor Go Go Go - "Junior" who set the record in 1969 (source: Terrier Type Magazine - Volume 38, Number 1, January, 1999).
Below are a few photos that Maida captured from the group and Best in Show competition:
Below are photos of Michael when he was a youngster and still being show in the classes by his breeder, Donna Dale. Michael received quite a bit of his early training in the time that he and his littermate, Julie, spent with Roxan Rohrich. Roxan handled Michael on the day that he earned his AKC Championship.
At 17 months of age
Michael earns a Puppy Group 2 - age 9 months - handled by breeder, Donna Dale
Michael was the product of an outcross breeding of a linebred Gleanntan bitch, CH. Gleanntan Good Golly and the #1 Skye Terrier in Great Britain (at the time of the breeding), Eng. CH. Talyot Dionysis bred and owned by Colin and Lynne Richardson.
Michael was campaigned under the expert guidance of professional handlers Lisa and Mark Bettis and under the ownership of Donald and Edna Lawicki, Heartlight Terriers.
After returning to Michael and Maida’s home, Michael (4) was shown in limited fashion and earned his 9th Best in Show handled by Michael Pesare. He spent the final years of his life with Michael and Maida and he was a much-loved bed bug.