NEWS - 2015
December 20 - End of Year
Our show season has come to an end and we are enjoying a bit of relaxing down time. Maida and I attended 66 shows in 2015, including major Skye entry shows in Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and California. It has been a memorable year for our import from the Czech Republic and for Skyes carrying the Gleanntan kennel prefix. Wishing Happy Holidays to all of our Gleanntan Family!
December 20 - Rankings through November 2015
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker is the #2 Skye Terrier in the U.S. in breed points (Skyes defeated). Dexter remains #1 in Grand Champion points and he is the #3 Skye in group points - through November 2015.
December 20 - Lehigh Valley KC and Delaware Water Gap KC shows
We had two Skyes entered in the Lehigh Valley KC and Delaware Water Gap KC shows on December 12-13. Our entry consisted of GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" and 15-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" in the Bred by Exhibitor class. On Saturday, under judge Lorraine Bisso, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was WB & BOS. On Sunday, under judge Houston Clark, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was WB & BOS.
December 6 - New Champion - Gleanntan Gottaluvme2 - “Maggie” - Gleanntan’s 113th champion
Roxan Rohrich had Gleanntan Gottaluvme2 - “Maggie” (CH. Gleanntan Desperado x CH. Gleanntan Glorious Legacy) entered in the four Crown Classic shows in Cleveland, Ohio.
On Saturday, December 5, at the Richland County KC show, Maggie earned Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex for a 3-point major to complete her AKC Championship under judge Mr. Fred C. Bassett.
On Sunday, December 6 at the Western Reserve KC show, Maggie was moved up and she went Best of Breed in a field of 5 Skyes, including 3 specials. The judge was Judy Webb.
December 5 - CH. Gleanntan Going For The Silver, CDX earns his Rally Novice (RN) title
We were thrilled to receive word from Judy Fatzinger that her "Duffy" - CH. Gleanntan Going For The Silver, CDX (CH. Finnsky Gladiator x CH. Gleanntan Givemebusybee!) earned his RN (Rally Novice) title at the Friday, November 13th Philadelphia show.
December 5 - Rankings through October 2015
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker is now the #2 Skye Terrier in the U.S. in breed points (Skyes defeated). We are pleased that Dexter is just one breed point behind the #1 Skye who is the record-setting Skye GCH. Ch. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie. Dexter remains #1 in Grand Champion points and he is the #3 Skye in group points - through October 2015.
December 5 - Photo of Ally
Gleanntan IHopeUDance - “Ally”
(GCHB. Gleanntan Gaelforce x CH. Gleanntan Everybody Loves Lucy)
Age 12.5 months
Winners Bitch (5-point major)
under judge Mr. Michael Buckley
Skye Terrier Club of America Supported Entry - Hatboro Dog Club II
October 2, 2015
November 22 - Upper Marlboro KC shows
We had two Skyes entered in the Upper Marlboro KC shows on November 21-22. Our entry consisted of GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" and 14-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" in the Bred by Exhibitor class. On Saturday, under judge Joe Walton, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was WB & BOS. On Sunday, under judge Desmond Murphy, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was WB & BOS.
November 15 - Kennel Club of Philadelphia - National Dog Show
We had three Skyes entered in the Kennel Club of Philadelphia shows on November 14-15. The total Skye entry was 0-1-3-2. Our entry consisted of GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker, CH. Gleanntan Oh My Goodness -"Mellie" and 14-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" in the Bred by Exhibitor class.
On Saturday, under judge Patricia Anne Keenan, Best of Breed went to GCH. Ch. Cragmoor Good Time Charlie who then went all way to BEST IN SHOW. Our Charlie daughter, Mellie (GCH. Ch. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie x Ch. Gleanntan Defying Gravity), went Best of Opposite Sex to her sire (2 GCH points). Dexter earned Select Dog.
The following day, under judge Robert Paust, the results were the same. The entry was 0-1-2-1.
November 1 - Back Mountain KC
We had two Skyes entered in the Back Mountain KC shows on October 30 and November 1. However, we had to miss the Saturday show to attend a funeral. Our entry consisted of GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and CH. Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie". Dexter earned BOB and Mellie was BOS.
October 17 - Morris & Essex KC Photos
Our amazing day at the prestigious 2015 Morris and Essex KC show - Best of Breed to GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker (above and left) on the stand with two of his 12.5-month old offspring, Gleanntan Ocean of Light (center with Maida) who was Reserve Winners Bitch (to a 5-point major) and Gleanntan Thistle Dew At Argent, CGC (right with owner Lynne Kuczynski Veazie) who was Reserve Winners Dog (to a 5-point major). The judge was respected Cairn Terrier breeder, Lydia Coleman Hutchinson (Wolfpit Cairns) who has been judging Skye Terriers for over 40 years!
October 14 - Rankings through September, 2015
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker continues as the #1 Skye Terrier in the U.S. in breed points (Skyes defeated) and Grand Champion points - through September, 2015 and he is the #3 Skye in group points.
October 14 - New Photo - Gleanntan Ocean of Light
Gleanntan Ocean of Light - “Sunny”
Age 12.5 months
Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes (pictured)
under judge Mrs. Christine Calcinari
Reserve Winners Bitch (to a 5-point major)
under judge Mrs. Betty-Anne Stenmark
Skye Terrier Club of America National Specialty - Montgomery County KC
October 4, 2015
October 12 - Catonsville KC and National Capital KC
We had two Skyes entered in the Catonsville KC and National Capital KC shows on October 10-11. These two shows were held at the Howard County Fairgrounds in West Friendship, Maryland and they are only about an hour from home. Our entry consisted of GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 13-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" in the Bred by Exhibitor class. On Saturday, under judge Mary Jane Carberry, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was BOS. In the group, under judge Carberry, Dexter made the cut in a competitive terrier group. On Sunday, under judge Knowlton Reydners, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was BOS. Ally showed particularly well - she is learning. It was an enjoyable weekend!
October 5 - Montgomery Weekend
Morris and Essex Kennel Club - October 1, 2015
Judge: Lydia Coleman Hutchinson
L to R: Gleanntan Thistle Dew At Argent, CGC - "Andrew" with owner Lynne Kuczynski Veazie - Reserve Winners Dog to a 5-point major; Maida and Michael with GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter) - BEST OF BREED in an entry of 31 Skyes; Rachel Robertson with Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny" - Reserve Winners Bitch to a 5-point major
We had three Skyes entered in the Hatboro I & II; Morris and Essex KC; Devon (cancelled due to an offshore hurricane) and Montgomery County KC shows from September 30 through October 4. The Skye Terrier Club of America supported the entry at all of the shows prior to Montgomery and Montgomery is the STCA National Specialty show. Our entry consisted of GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker; 13-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally"; and 13-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny". Roxan had her Gleanntan Gottaluvme2 - "Maggie" entered in the Montgomery County KC show.
Also competing at Morris and Essex and Montgomery was Lynne Kuczynski Veazie's 13-month old Gleanntan Thistle Dew At Argent, CGC - "Andrew". Amy Andrews' 13-month old, Gleanntan Greatgusto - "Gusto" was shown at Morris and Essex, Hatboro II and Montgomery.
Here is a summary of how Gleanntan Skyes fared in the four shows:
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" - Hatboro Dog Club I - Select Dog; Morris and Essex KC - BEST OF BREED in an entry of 31 Skyes, including the 2013 and 2014 Montgomery/STCA National Specialty winners; Hatboro Dog Club II - first Award of Merit
Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" - Winners Bitch - Hatboro Dog Club I (1 point) and Hatboro Dog Club II (5-point major) - both from the Bred by Exhibitor class.
Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny" - Morris and Essex KC - Reserve Winners Bitch (to a 5-point major) from the Bred by Exhibitor class. Sunny was not entered at Hatboro II. At Montgomery, Sunny earned Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes in a field of 15 puppies and juniors. She also earned Reserve Winners Bitch to a 5-point major in a field of 12 bitches.
Gleanntan Thistle Dew at Argent, CGC - "Andrew" - Morris and Essex KC - Reserve Winners Dog (to a 5-point major).
At the Hatboro Dog Club I (STCA Supported Entry) under judge Seymour Weiss, Dexter was Select Dog (5-point GCH major) and Ally was Winners Bitch (1 point). The Skye entry was 1-2-3-3.
At the Morris and Essex Kennel Club show the entry was 12-8-5-5-1 = 31 total under judge Lydia Coleman Hutchinson. This show was also a Skye Terrier Club of America Supported Entry show. The total entry at the Morris and Essex show was 4,152 dogs. On this day, Dexter earned the biggest win of his career with Best of Breed. In dogs, Lynne Kuczynski Veazie's 13-month old Gleanntan Thistle Dew At Argent, CGC - "Andrew" earned Reserve Winners Dog (to a 5-point major) in his very first show! Andrew is sired by GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker out of Ch. Gleanntan Glorious Legacy. Andrew's litter sister, Sunny - Gleanntan Ocean of Light was Reserve Winners Bitch (to a point major) from the Bred by Exhibitor class. We could not be more proud of Dexter and two of his offspring, Andrew and Sunny, for such nice wins at an important Skye Terrier Club of America Supported Entry show.
The Hatboro Dog Club II was another STCA Supported Entry show and the judge was Smooth Fox Terrier breeder, Michael Buckley. The entry was 11-9-5-4 = 29 Skyes. Ally - Gleanntan IHopeUDance, competing in the Bred by Exhibitor bitch class, won her class and then went on to Winners Bitch for a 5-point major. Dexter earned the first Award of Merit.
The Devon Dog Show Association had to cancel its show due to heavy rains from an offshore hurricane.
The Montgomery County Kennel Club show (STCA National Specialty) sweepstakes entry was 9-6 = 15. The sweepstakes judge was Mrs. Christine Calcinari. Andrew and Gus showed beautifully in the Junior 12-15 month dog class and they placed 1st and 2nd. Sunny and Ally were also shown in Sweepstakes and Sunny went to to earn a Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes.
In the Regular classes, the entry was 13-12 (5-6) 2 = 38 under judge Mrs. Betty-Anne Stenmark. Competing in the Regular classes were: Andrew, Gusto, Sunny, Ally, Maggie and Dexter. Sunny had a nice showing in a field of 12 bitches. Although she is just over 12 months of age, she went to earn Reserve Winners Bitch to a 5-point major.
We are happy with how our dogs fared at the most important Skye show of the year. From a breeder's perspective, it was rewarding to see five young class dogs, from three litters, do so well. Four of the Gleanntan entries were just over a year old and they were competitive, with Reserve placements to 5-point majors and even a 5-point major itself.
September 27 - Warrenton KC & Old Dominion KC shows
We had two Skyes entered in the Warrenton KC and Old Dominion KC shows in Millwood, Virginia. Our entry consisted of our special, GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 12.5-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally". The total Skye entry is: 2-1-2-0 with one male special absent.
On Saturday, at the Warrenton KC show, under judge Joe Gregory, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was Winners Bitch & Best of Opposite Sex. On Sunday, under judge Linda More, Dexter was BOB and Ally was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex for her first point.
12.5-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally"
(GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce x Ch. Gleanntan Everybody Loves Lucy)
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex - her first point
Judge: Linda More
September 17 - Rankings through August 2015
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker continues as the #1 Skye Terrier in the U.S. in breed points (Skyes defeated) and Grand Champion points - through August, 2015 and he is the #3 Skye in group points.
September 17 - New photos of Sunny and Andrew at 12 months of age
Gleanntan Thistle Dew At Argent, CGC - "Andrew"
Best Adult in Match - Friday, September 9, 2015
Owned and handled by Lynne Kuczynski Veazie
Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny"
Age 12 months
September 17 - Lehigh Valley KC and Berks County KC
On September 11-12, Maida and I had two Skyes entered in the Lehigh Valley KC and the Berks County KC shows in Macungie, Pennsylvania. Our entry consisted of two specials, 3-year old GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 2-year old Ch. Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie".
On Saturday, under judge Sue Goldberg, Dexter earned BOB and Mellie was Best of Opposite Sex. On Sunday, under judge David Krogh, the result was the same.
Below are two photos of Dexter in the group on Sunday. Thank you Maida Connor for these terrific photos!
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
August 23 - Mid Susquehanna Valley KC shows
On August 22-23, Maida and I had two Skyes entered in the Mid Susquehanna Valley KC shows in Middleburg, Pennsylvania. Our entry consisted of two specials, 3-year old GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 2-year old Ch. Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie".
On Saturday, under judge Paula Hartinger, Dexter earned BOB and Mellie was Best of Opposite Sex. This was Mellie's first show since the Potomac Specialty Weekend in April. She was handled by our friend, Rachel Robertson. Rachel did a superb job with Mellie and they worked as a team.
August 23 - Rankings through July 2015
As GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker celebrates his third birthday, we are pleased to report that he is the #1 Skye Terrier in the U.S. in breed points (Skyes defeated) and grand champion points - through July 2015 and he is the #3 Skye in group points.
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
August 23 - Harrisburg shows
On August 8-9, Maida and I had two Skyes entered in the Penn Ridge and Harrisburg KC shows in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. Our entry consisted of our special, GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 11-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally". On Saturday, under judge John Wade, Dexter was BOB and Ally was WB/BOS. On Sunday, under judge Norman Patton, Dexter was BOB and Ally was WB/BOS.
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
August 23 - Canfield - Steel Valley Cluster - STCA Supported Entry shows
On July 30 through August 2, Maida and I had two Skyes entered in the four Steel Valley Cluster shows in Canfield, Ohio. These four shows were supported entries for the Skye Terrier Club of America. Our entry consisted of our special, GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 11-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light. Additionally, Roxan had her "Maggie" - Gleanntan Gottaluvme2 entered.
On Thursday, at the Fort Steuben KC show, under judge Roz Kramer, Dexter earned Best of Breed and Sunny earned Winners Bitch (2 points). Maggie was Reserve Winners Bitch.
On Friday, at the Columbiana County KC show, under judge Anne Katona, Dexter was Select Dog and Sunny was Winners Bitch for a 3-point major.
On Saturday, at the Beaver County KC show and on Sunday, at the Mahoning-Shenango KC show, we decided not to show Sunny. She needs single points to finish.
July 28 - Lackawanna KC and Bald Eagle KC
Maida and I had two Skyes entered in the Lackawanna and Bald Eagle Kennel Club shows in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Our entry consisted of our special, GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 10-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally". On Saturday, under judge Dianne Miller, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was WB/BOS. Later in the day, Dexter went on to a Group 4 in an entry of 61 terriers under judge Charles Olvis. This was Dexter's 12th group placement of 2015. On Sunday, under judge Elliott Weiss, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was WB/BOS.
July 13 - Twin Brooks KC
Maida and I had two Skyes entered in the July 12th Twin Brooks Kennel Club show in Morristown, New Jersey. Our entry consisted of our special, GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 10-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally". Under judge John "Tom" Ward, Dexter earned BOB and Ally was WB/BOS. Later in the day, Dexter went on to a Group 3 in an entry of 87 terriers. This was Dexter's 11th group placement of 2015.
July 9 - New photo of Dexter - New Castle KC
GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
BEST OF BREED (and on to a Group 3)
New Castle Kennel Club show
Judge: Patricia Anne Keenan
July 9 - Independence Cluster Shows
Maida and I had two Skyes entered in three of the four Independence Cluster shows at the Howard County Fairgrounds in West Friendship, Maryland. Our entry consisted of our special, GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 9-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally".
On Friday, at the Northeastern Maryland KC show, BOB went to Dexter and WB/BOS went to Ally under judge Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine. On Saturday, at the Upper Marlboro KC show, BOB went to Dexter and WB/BOS went to Ally under judge Alice Watkins. Dexter also made the cut in the terrier group. On Sunday, at the National Capital KC show, BOB went to Dexter and WB/BOS went to Ally under judge Anne M. Barlow.
June 30 - New photo of Dexter from Great Western Terrier Association - STCA Supported Entry show
GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
Great Western Terrier Association - Skye Terrier Club of America Supported Entry
Judge: Catherine B. Nelson
June 24 - Skye Terrier Club of Southern California Specialty - Great Western Terrier Association
Maida and I traveled to Long Beach, California for the Skye Terrier Club of Southern California Specialty at the Great Western Terrier Association shows on Saturday, June 20 and Sunday, June 21. The specialty was held on Saturday. On Sunday, the entry was supported by the Skye Terrier Club of America. The total Skye entry both days was 1-4-1VB-4-2 with 1 bitch special absent. Our entry consisted of GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter".
On Saturday, at the Specialty, Best of Breed went to Dexter under judge Sally George. On Sunday, Dexter repeated as Best of Breed under judge Catherine B. Nelson. Both judges have a long history as terrier breeders.
June 15 - Bryn Mawr KC shows - Group 1 and Group 2
Maida and I had two Skyes entered in the Bryn Mawr KC shows this past weekend. Our entry consisted of our special, GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 9-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally".
On Saturday, Dexter earned Best of Breed under judge Col. Joe B. Purkhiser. Ally was Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex. Later in the day, in the group competition, Dexter won the terrier group (Group 1) in a total terrier entry of 91 dogs. The group judge was also Col. Purkhiser.
On Sunday, Dexter earned Best of Breed and Ally was Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex. Dexter then went on to a Group 2 under Australian judge, Christopher Moore. The total terrier entry was 82. The group winner was the Scottish Terrier, "Sophie".
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
Group 1 - Bryn Mawr Kennel Club
Judge: Col. Joe B. Purkhiser
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
Group 2 - Bryn Mawr Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. Christopher Moore
May 31 - Wrightstown shows - Group 3 and Group 4
Maida and I had a few of our Skyes entered in the Huntingdon Valley KC and Burlington County KC shows this past weekend. Our entry consisted of our special, GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 8.5-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny" and 8.5-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally".
At the Huntingdon Valley KC show, Dexter earned Best of Breed and Sunny earned Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex under judge Sue Goldberg. In the group, he earned a Group 3 in a entry of 82 terriers under judge Attila Czegledi from Hungary.
At the Burlington County KC show, Dexter earned Best of Breed and Sunny earned Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex under judge Sharol Candace Way. In the group, Dexter earned a Group 4 in a entry of 76 terriers under judge Way.
May 26 - Memorial Day Weekend - New Castle Pennsylvania shows
Maida and I had one Skye entered in three of the Memorial Day Weekend shows in New Castle, PA. Our entry consisted of GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter". The total Skye entry each of the three days (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) was 1-4-2-1=8 Skyes.
On Saturday, at the New Castle KC show, Dexter earned Best of Breed under judge Patricia Anne Keenan. He then went on to a Group 3 in an entry of 139 terriers. The following day, at the Trumbull County KC show, Dexter repeated as Best of Breed under judge Kenneth Kauffman. On the final day, at the New Castle KC show, Dexter again was Best of Breed under judge Gloria Geringer.
The weekend was great fun as we had a nice chance to visit with Roxan Rohrich and her 15-month old girl, Gleanntan Gottaluvme2 - "Maggie" (Ch. Gleanntan Desperado x Ch. Gleanntan Glorious Legacy). She is maturing beautifully.
Dexter on the move at Saturday's New Castle KC show - May 23, 2015
May 17 - Mattaponi Kennel Club
Maida and I had two Skyes entered in the Mattaponi Kennel Club shows in Manassas, Virginia on 5/16 and 5/17. Our entry both days consisted of our special, Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 6-9 month class bitch, 8-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally". The Skye entry both days was our two - 0-1-1-0. On Saturday, Dexter earned Best of Breed and Ally was Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex under judge John Constantine. Later in the day, Dexter went on to a Group 4 placement in a total terrier entry of 91. This was Dexter's 5th group placement for the year. On Sunday, Dexter repeated at BOB and Ally was WB/BOS under judge James White.
GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
Group 4 - Mattaponi Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. John Constantine
After the judging on Sunday, we took a new photo of Ally. She is maturing nicely.
8-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" (b)
(GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce x Ch. Gleanntan Everybody Loves Lucy)
iPhone photo taken on May 17, 2015 by Maida Connor
May 13
7.5-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny"
Puppy Group 4
20th Annual Garden State All Terrier Club
Judge: Mrs. Diane Ondo
May 13 - Two new photos of Dexter from early April Western Pennsylvania KA shows
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
May 8 - Recap of the Garden State All Terrier, Bucks County KC and Trenton KC weekend
In the 25 years that we have been in Skyes, one of the most special show weekends is the Garden State All Terrier (May 1), Bucks County KC (May 2) and Trenton KC (May 3) weekend. We have fond memories of these shows, memories that include time spent with friends and seeing quality dogs in many breeds. In the early 1990s, we journeyed to Bucks with our first Skye Terrier and he went all the way to Best of Breed from the classes in a strong field of Skyes. A decade later, our homebred 8-month old puppy, Gleanntan Givemebusybee! - "Bea", went Best of Breed at the 2005 Bucks show, again in a lovely entry of Skyes. Another decade later, we are at the 2015 Garden State All Terrier Club show with Bea's granddaughter, 7-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny" and Sunny's sire, GCH. Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker.
Our entry at the Garden State show on Friday consisted of our special, Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 7.5-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny". On Saturday and Sunday, at the Bucks County KC and Trenton KC shows, our entry consisted of our special, Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker and 7.5-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally". The Skye entry each of the three days was 0-1-2-0. The other male special was GCH. Ch. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie, the #3 dog all breeds (and #1 terrier).
At the Garden State show, Dexter was Select Dog and Sunny was Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex and Best Puppy. Later in the day, Sunny earned a Terrier Puppy Group 4. At the Bucks County KC and Trenton KC shows, Dexter again was Select Dog and Ally was Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex.
7.5-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light on her way to a Puppy Group 4 under judge Mrs. Diane Ondo
April 19 - Potomac Skye Terrier Club Specialty Weekend
On April 17, 18 and 19, a number of our Skyes competed in the Potomac Skye Terrier Club Specialty Weekend shows (Friday - Columbia Terrier Association of Maryland/Potomac Skye Terrier Club Specialty; Saturday - Old Dominion Kennel Club of Northern Virginia; Sunday - Baltimore County KC).
Competing in the sweepstakes competition, at the specialty on Friday was 7-month old Gleanntan Prisoner of Azkaban - "Sirius" owned by Aubrey Richardson, Travis Cramsey & Gleanntan and shown by Aubrey. and litter sister Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally", owned by Lynn and Gary Wolf & Gleanntan. In the regular classes on Friday and Saturday, our entry/present Skyes consisted of two male specials, GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce - "Cooper" and Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" and one female special (moved up to BOB) 20-month old Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie". Additionally, in the 6-9 month Puppy Bitch class was, 7-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" and Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny". On Saturday, Ally was not shown. On Sunday, remained the same as above, except, Ally was not shown and Cooper was not entered. Also, Sirius was not entered.
New GCH. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
7-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny"
Here is a summary of what the Gleanntan bred and/or Gleanntan-owned Skyes accomplished in the three shows:
Potomac Skye Terrier Club Specialty Show
Columbia Terrier Association of Maryland
Friday, April 17, 2015
Judge: Christine Erickson
Ch. Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" (moved up to BOB) - Best of Opposite Sex to her sire, “Charlie” (for a 5-point GCH major)
Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" - Select Dog (4-pt GCH major)
Gleanntan Ocean of Light - “Sunny” - Best Puppy and Reserve Winners Bitch to a 4-point major from the 6-9 month Puppy Class - she also made the cut in an impressive puppy terrier group
Gleanntan Prisoner of Azkaban - “Sirius” - owned by Aubrey Richardson and Travis Cramsey - Reserve Winners Dog from the 6-9 mo Puppy Class
Gleanntan IHopeUDance - “Ally” - Best Puppy in Sweepstakes
Old Dominion Kennel Club of Northern Virginia
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Judge: R.W. Edwards
Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" - Select Dog (4-pt GCH major) - to complete his AKC Grand Championship title
Gleanntan Prisoner of Azkaban - “Sirius” - owned by Aubrey Richardson and Travis Cramsey - Reserve Winners Dog from the 6-9 mo Puppy Class
Baltimore County Kennel Club
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Judge: Barbara Dempsey Alderman
Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" - Select Dog
Ch. Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" - Select Bitch
April 13 - Sunny's photo from Western Pennsylvania KA
7-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny" (b)
(Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker x Ch. Gleanntan Glorious Legacy)
BEST OF BREED (5-point major)
after taking WB (3-point major) from the BBE class
Her BOB win came in a field of 9 Skyes, including 4 specials.
Judge: Cindy Vogels
April 12 - Harrisburg KC and Mason & Dixon KC
Maida and I had three of our Skyes entered in the Harrisburg KC show and the Mason & Dixon KC show in Harrisburg, PA. Our entry both days consisted of our special, Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker; 6-9 month class bitch, 7-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" and Open bitch class, 20-month old Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie".
On Saturday, under judge Richard Miller, Dexter earned Best of Breed and Mellie was Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex. On Sunday, under judge Dr. H. Scott Kellogg, Dexter repeated at Best of Breed and again Mellie was Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex.
On Saturday, we also spent a couple of hours in the Meet the Breeds area with 8-year old "Cooper" - GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce and his 7-month old daughter, "Ally" - Gleanntan IHopeUDance. On Sunday, our breed representatives were 7-month old "Sunny" - Gleanntan Ocean of Light and "Mellie" - Ch. Gleanntan Oh My Goodness.
April 6 - Western Pennsylvania Kennel Association - what a weekend!
Maida and I had four of our Skyes entered in the two Western Pennsylvania Kennel Association shows in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. The total Skye entry on Saturday was 1-4-3-1 = 9 and on Sunday, the entry was 1-4-3-0 = 8. Our entry both days consisted of our special, Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker; 6-9 month class bitch, 7-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally"; Bred by Exhibitor bitch class, 7-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny" and Open bitch class, 20-month old Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" The three bitches are from three different Gleanntan litters.
At the Saturday show, Winners Bitch (3-point major) went to Gleanntan Ocean of Light. She then went all the way to BEST OF BREED (Best of Winners) to earn a 5-point major!! She was handled to WB by Michael and to Best of Breed by Maida. Best of Opposite Sex was awarded to Sunny's sire, Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker, handled by Michael. The judge was respected terrier judge, Cindy Vogels.
At the Sunday show, under judge Charlotte Patterson, Best of Breed was awarded to Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker. Later in the day, Dexter went on to earn a Group 4 under group judge Cindy Vogels. Winners Bitch (and Best of Opposite Sex) for a 3-point major was awarded to Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" and this gave her the final major that she needed for her AKC championship! Mellie is Gleanntan's 112th champion in 45 continuous years of breeding. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny".
This was a weekend that we will long remember!
April 3 - New photos of Dexter and Sirius
Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
Group 3 (entry of 132 terriers) - Delaware County KC - March 15, 2015
Judge: Mr. Thomas Yates
Gleanntan Prisoner of Azkaban - "Sirius"
(GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce x Ch. Gleanntan Everybody Loves Lucy)
Age 6 months
Best of Winners for his first point - under judge Betsy Dale
Owned and handled by Aubrey Richardson (also owned by Travis Cramsey & Gleanntan)
March 17 - New photo of Dexter
Here is a new photo of Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" - standing on his own without a lead and below that, his daughter, 6-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny".
Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny"
March 17 - York Celtic Classic shows
We had a number of our Skyes entered in three of the five-day Celtic Classic shows in York, PA. On Thursday, March 12, I had just Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny" entered under breeder/judge Dr. Richard Meen. Unfortunately, Dr. Meen was not able to make the assignment so Timothy Doxtater completed the assignment. Sunny was the only Skye that day so she represented the breed in the terrier group.
At the Delaware County KC shows on Saturday and Sunday, the Gleanntan Skye entry consisted of 6-month old Gleanntan Prisoner of Azkaban - "Sirius" owned by Aubrey Richardson and Travis Cramsey and shown by Aubrey. We also had littermate Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" entered in the 6-9 month Puppy Bitch class. Ally is owned by Lynn and Gary Wolf. In the Open class was Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" and the Special was Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter".
On Saturday, under judge Betsy Dale, Mellie earned WB and BOS. Sirius was WD and BOW for his first point. Dexter went BOB and then on to a Group 2 in a terrier entry of 137.
On Sunday, under judge Thomas Yates, Mellie was WB/BOW/BOS. Sirius was WD and Dexter was BOB. Dexter went on to a Group 4 in a terrier entry of 132.
March 17 - Shenandoah Valley KC shows
Maida and I were at the Shenandoah Valley KC shows during the weekend of March 7-8. Our entry consisted of Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" in the Bred by Exhibitor class and Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" in Best of Breed. On Saturday, under judge John "Tom" Ward, Dexter was awarded BOB and Mellie was WB/BOS. In the terrier group, Dexter earned a Group 2 behind Greg Strong's Welsh Terrier. There were 60 terriers entered.
Also, on Saturday, there was a Beginner Puppy (4-6 Month) competition and we had 5.5 month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny" entered. Sunny earned Terrier Group 1 and then she went on to Best in Show (Beginner Puppy) under judge Nena Dee. There were 29 beginner puppies entered in this competition, with 27 pups present.
On Sunday, under judge David Kirkland, Dexter again earned BOB and Mellie was WB/BOS.
Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
5.5-month old Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny"
(Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker x Ch. Gleanntan Glorious Legacy)
March 7, 2015
Judge: Nena Dee
February 27 - Amelia's Westminster KC photo
GCH. Gleanntan First Lady of the Skyes - "Amelia"
(Ch. Jay-Roy Railway American Anthem x Ch. Gleanntan Glorious Legacy)
February 24 - Rockland County KC
Maida and I were at the Rockland County KC shows last weekend. The shows were held at the Rockland Community College Field House in Suffern, New York. This is a show that Maida and I always tried to attend when we were living in New England. Our entry consisted of 19-month old Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" in the Bred by Exhibitor class and Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" in Best of Breed. On Saturday, under judge Kenneth McDermott, Dexter was awarded BOB and Mellie was WB/BOS. On Sunday, under judge Al Ferruggiaro, Dexter again earned BOB and Mellie was WB/BOS. In the terrier group, Dexter made the cut on Sunday.
February 19 - AKC Meet the Breeds and Westminster Kennel Club
Maida and I coordinated the Skye Terrier Club of America booth at the AKC Meet the Breeds event on Saturday, February 14. This year's Meet the Breeds moved from the Javits Center to Pier 92 in New York City. Previously, the event was held over two days. This year, the AKC made the superb decision to make the event a one-day event and to hold it just prior to the Westminster KC show. I think this was an excellent decision that capitalized on the media attention that Westminster attracts. Prior to the event, the AKC was hoping for 15,000 attendees. However, we heard that the event sold out prior to the end of the day and it is estimated that upwards of 20,000 people attended. Our Skye booth was absolutely swamped from 10 a.m. through the closing at 5 p.m.
The Skyes participating were: GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce - "Cooper", GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Wonderful Wizard of Oz - "Gus", Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" and 5-month old pups, Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny" and Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally".
A few weeks prior to the Meet the Breeds event, we were invited to join three other breeds for an appearance on the nationally broadcast, Fox and Friends just prior to the start of the event. After getting the booth set up at 6 a.m. on Saturday, I headed over to the Fox studio with "Cooper" and his daughter, "Ally". Our appearance went well, though the camera person got us mixed up with the Bedlington Terriers.
We returned to the city on Monday for Tuesday's Skye Terrier judging at the 139th Westminster Kennel Club show. The Skye entry was 0-0-3-1 with one of the specials males absent. Our entry consisted of GCH. Ch. Gleanntan First Lady of the Skyes - "Amelia" and she earned Best of Opposite Sex to "Charlie" (GCH. Ch. Cragmoor Good Time Charlie) who went on to win the terrier group and then Reserve Best in Show. Below are photos from the three events.
February 10 - Maryland KC
Maida and I had two Skyes entered in the Maryland KC shows in West Friendship, Maryland. Our entry consisted of 18-month old Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" in the Bred by Exhibitor class and Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" in Best of Breed. On Saturday, under judge Gary Doerge, Dexter earned BOB and Mellie was WB/BOS. On Sunday, under judge Pamela Bruce, Dexter repeated as BOB and Mellie was WB/BOS. Later in the day, Dexter made the cut in a very competitive terrier group.
Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
January 29 - New photo of Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally"
A couple of days ago, I was briefly giving 4.5-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally" some table training in our kitchen. Maida walked into the next room and got "Ally's" attention. I managed to get this quick photo of this very pretty girl. "Ally" is sired by GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce out of Ch. Gleanntan Everybody Loves Lucy. She is owned by Lynn and Gary Wolf.
4.5-month old Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally"
(GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce x Ch. Gleanntan Everybody Loves Lucy)
standing on her own - no lead
January 26 - Lehigh Valley KC - Canine Learning Match
Maida and I attended the Lehigh Valley KC - Canine Learning Match to see two pups from our September, 2014 litters. The Skye entry consisted of Lynne Kuczynski Veazie's Gleanntan Thistle Dew At Argent - "Andrew" from the Dexter x Mackenzie litter and Gleanntan Prisoner of Azkaban - "Sirius" from the Cooper x Lucy litter, owned by Aubrey Richardson and Travis Cramsey. In the morning, there was a sweepstakes competition, followed by the match in the afternoon. In the match, Sirius was first and Andrew was second. Sirius later competed in a well-represented terrier group and he earned a Group 2 behind a 7.5-month old Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Both boys showed beautifully and with poise beyond their very young ages. There were plenty of opportunities for low-stress, fun interactions during the day. The entire day was most enjoyable.
4.5-month old Gleanntan Prisoner of Azkaban - "Sirius"
(GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce x Ch. Gleanntan Everybody Loves Lucy)
Handled by his owner, Aubrey Richardson
January 19 - Carroll Kennel Club & Annapolis KC shows
Maida and I had two of our Skyes entered in the Carroll Kennel Club and Annapolis KC shows in Westminster, Maryland. Our entry consisted of 17-month old Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" in the Bred by Exhibitor class and Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter" in Best of Breed.
On Friday, under judge Mrs. Polly D. Smith, Dexter earned Best of Breed and Mellie was WB/BOS. On Saturday, under judge Lydia C. Hutchinson, Dexter was Best of Breed and Mellie was WB/BOS. On Sunday, under judge Dr. Gerard C. Penta, Dexter was Best of Breed and Mellie was WB/BOS. I was pleased with the way Dexter showed. He turned in his best performance on the final day in the breed and in the group.
After the show on Sunday, I had an opportunity to take a new photo of Dexter after a bath and light brushing. This photo was taken with Dexter on the grooming table with no lead.
Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - "Dexter"
standing on his own - no lead
January 4 - Rubber City KC shows
Roxan had her 10-month old girl, Gleanntan Gottaluvme2 - "Maggie2" (Ch. Gleanntan Desperado x Ch. Gleanntan Glorious Legacy) entered in the three shows in Tallmadge, Ohio. On the final day, Maggie earned Best of Opposite Sex over an older specials bitch for a single point.